Wednesday, 29 January 2014

This Newly Invented Bra With 'Heart Rate Monitor' Won't Unhook Unless The Girl Wearing It Is In-love With The Intruder

A Japanese lingerie brand has created a
bra that can only be removed when its
wearer is experiencing ‘true love’.The
company called Ravijour has come up
with a bra that will only unhook if the
woman is in love with the person doing
the opening.The underwear comes with a
heart rate monitor that with a mobile
phone app which unhooks Rate and no
amount of force removes it.
The bra works by monitoring heart rate
increases specifically caused by hormone
levels secreted by the adrenal medulla –
the gland that releases adrenalin into the
bloodstream and was invented to save
women from guys who are only after their
According to the product designer..
, "It knows how women truly feel.A built
in sensor reads the woman’s heart-rate
signal and sends it to a special app via
Bluetooth for analysis.”Once the bra
exceeds the 'True Love Rate' it then
unhooks automatically.

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