Monday, 9 December 2013

**JUST IN** Buhari Is Nigerian Mandela. - Buhari's Campaign.

The death of Nelson Mandela and his virtues has taken over the air waves and the social media. The Question in the mind of commentators is, will a African produce another Mandela. Maj General Muhammed Buhari's campaign in their media post said that, Muhammed Buhari is our Mandela". Mr Innocent Eboigbe Ehiz, Buhari's Campaigner, claimed that "Mandela while alive advice Buhari4change not to lost faith in the Nigeria project. "Mandela told him that Nigeria is redeemable if only those in the helm of affairs are steadfast and focus. He urged Buhari to keep pushing for the office of the president. They claimed that Mandela reminded Buhari that he attain the office of the president of South Africa, at the age of 76 and Maj Gen Buhari is just 71. They concluded that "with the help of Almighty and the power ordinary Nigerians, we all shall shout Alleluyah come 2015".

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