Saturday 1 March 2014

Man Cancels Wedding As Bride Got Pregnant For Another Man Days Before Marriage At RCCG Abuja

When churches compel ladies who have
been séxually active for years to just
abstain from the act over night it should
be made clear that most of these ladies
may just be pretending to be abstaining
because of the man they want to get
married to in church but they are busy
getting "enough servicing" from other
This was the big mess that played out at a
Redeemed Church branch last Saturday,
22nd February, 2014.
The Senate President's wife, Helen Mark,
was to play hostess at the wedding. The
bride, Cynthia worked for her and was
said to be an orphan thus had become
her adopted daughter. Guests got to the
venue of the big wedding at about 9am
but 2hrs later, neither the bride or the
groom came out.
As guests started getting impatient, the
groom came out, took the microphone
and announced to the surprise of all
guests present that he is no longer
interested in the marriage.
It later turned out that the the Redeemed
Christian Church of God, RCCG, that was
supposed to wed them had conducted a
pregnancy test for the lady 24hours
before the day and the result turned out
The BIG problem however is that the
mam had never slépt with the lady. So,
who got her pregnant? The lady on her
own part insisted she was not pregnant
and went to do her own pregnancy test in
a different hospital and the result came
out as NEGATIVE. Crazy drama in church.
Redeemed church called their doctor to
do a second test and the test traced the
thing and it was POSITIVE!
The church did several tests and all came
out POSITIVE, but the lady is still insisting
that she is not pregnant.
Could it be that she had terminated her
"pregnancy" and did not know that the
church's test could trace it?
The man insisted that he can't marry a
woman who is pregnant for another man,
and a liar. David Mark's wife and her
people begged the man to forgive and
marry her but he stood his ground.
A source told that the
man's main anger was that when they
were dating she didn't allow him to go
"far", meaning there was no special
torching. She was trying to paint herself
as a good girl before her man, so he
can't go ahead and marry her since
another man was enjoying what he was
The lady cried but it didn't change
anything. Some guests ate their rice
others didn't. The man walked away!

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