Sunday 2 February 2014

FG To Phase Out Water Satchets, Other Plastics

The Federal Ministry of Environment has
developed a draft action plan for the
phasing out of light weight non-
biodegradable plastics in the country, a
top official of the ministry, said,
The official, who spoke on condition of
anonymity, told the News Agency of
Nigeria, NAN, in Abuja, said that the draft
action plan had already been adopted by
stakeholders in the sector.
He recalled that the ministry, in
collaboration with the United Nations
Industrial Development Organisation,
UNIDO, had in December 2013, organised
a workshop to sensitise Nigerians on the
“What we intend to do now is to follow
the implementation of the action plan
since the awareness has already started;
the next step is to source funds from
UNIDO to implement the plan.
“Once we have funds, we will continue
with other activities in the process of
phasing out heavy non-biodegradable
The official said it was not possible to
completely phase out non-biodegradable
plastics because of its importance in the
He cited the example of a plastic chair,
which is a non-biodegradable component,
to buttress his point.
He said that the ministry would start with
the phasing out of light weight non-
degradable plastics such as table water
sachets and polythene bags.
“Those countries that have succeeded in
phasing out the substance started with
placing a ban on the light weight ones.
“Countries like China and South Africa
have placed outright ban on light weight
plastic bags while some other countries
have placed tax levies on the
manufacture, retailer and buyers of light
weight bags.
“We are going to be gradual in the
phasing out process as well, so that we
will not cause havoc to the livelihood of
people working in the industry.
“We will also use alternative sources that
are economically feasible and
environment-friendly to replace the non-
degradable products,” the official said.
He further said that the ministry would
start the process of phasing out with a
pilot project whereby manufacturers
would be required to introduce a
substance called “addictive” that would
reduce the non-biodegradable
component in their products.
NAN reports that several countries have
adopted measures to reduce the
production and use of plastic materials by
the imposition of taxes, fines, restriction
or outright ban of plastic shopping bags.
The countries include South Africa,
Taiwan, Kenya, Rwanda, Bangladesh,
Mecedonia, China, Hong Kong, Denmark,
Germany, India, Italy, Mexico and United
Arab Emirates, among others.

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